Sunday, August 11, 2013

Are You a Dumping Ground?

When the word pollution is mentioned, what comes to mind?   I personally think of a literal dumping ground of other people's unwanted materials. 
According to the Bible, we are made in the image and likeness of God, so why do we allow ourselves to be a dumping ground for other people's polluted transferences? 
A transference is a process where another redirects their own feelings or desires instinctively taken from their childhood towards a brand new object (person).
God never intended for women to take the position as the weaker vessel to a level of no self-respect.  He never intended for the woman to allow her spirit to be a dump.  
My question for Today’s Excellent Woman is this:  What are you tolerating that makes you feel dirty?
Child of God, keep yourself clean with affirmations of God’s best for your life, and safeguard your heart with all persistence because it is there that the issues of life runs.
Pray this prayer with me:  Dear Lord, thank You for making me in an image that is clean, pure and holy.  Thank You for giving me a powerful image that reflects light and goodness.  Lord, fortify my heart that I will not allow anyone to tarnish this image with unfavorable flaws.™