Thursday, July 4, 2013

A True Sparkler

Happy 4th of July, Excellent Women!!!!

As a child, and as an adult, I have never really liked fireworks up-close.  I've always enjoyed them from a distance.  My favorite piece of firework was the sparkler.  Every year my father would purchase those for me.  When I got married, I would have my husband do the same for our children.

If you don't know what they are, a sparkler has been defined as a hand-held firework that burns slowly while emitting colored flames, sparks, and other effects.

Sometimes in life we go through trials that cause us to lose our joy of serving Him.  We get bogged down in depression, condemnation, shame or guilt.  David went through this when he sinned before the Lord.  Look at Psalm 51:12 below to see part of his prayer.

Let me again experience the joy of your deliverance!  Sustain me by giving me the desire to obey!

My question for Today's Excellent Woman is this:  Are you willing to ask God to make you a woman who is willing to obey His Word so that you can experience permanent joy?

Pray this prayer with me:  Father, God, You alone are worthy of any praise in this small world that we live in -- our hearts.  Lord, we thank You for Your Word.  You have given it to us to inspire us, teach us and correct us, but You have also given us Your Word to restore us back to the joy of our salvation.  Father, let us be Your sparkler....hand-held that burns slowly while emitting flames and sparks that cause an effect in this world.  We love You, Lord.  In Your Mighty Name we pray.  Amen.

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