Saturday, July 13, 2013

Danger, Danger, Read All About It!

This morning in meditation, the Spirit of the Lord spoke to me about II Corinthians 6:14-18, but for purposes of this blog, I want to talk about verse 14, which I am sure we are familiar with in some aspect.  (Be sure to read the other verses.)
Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?  (KJV)
Most of us think about this Scripture when it comes to relationships, but I submit to you that this Scripture applies to ALL types of relationships.  Several years ago, the Lord ministered a message to me entitled The Power of Agreement.  He showed me the dangers that can come with connecting with things or people who reject the Words and ways of God.  Have you ever been in a situation where your relationship with another was affected because of what someone else said?  I have.  Sometimes we believe those we have a stronger connection to than others.  Somehow our allegiance to them overrides the what ifs from the other side.   God used my situation to teach me about the dangers of agreeing with a matter without thoroughly knowing what you are agreeing to.  We do this all the time with people we call friends or even family.  We also go so far as to say - "Blood is thicker than water."  The ones you feel closer to seem to weigh a little heavier than the ones you are not as close to - despite the outcome, despite the circumstances, despite not having an understanding in the matter.
When I came upon this verse, immediately experiences came back to me, and as I write, more are coming -- help me, Lord.   Agreement on any level can be a powerful weapon in the Kingdom of Light as well as the Kingdom of Darkness.  We have to make sure, as Believers, that we do not just AGREE to any and every thing that we see and hear.  We need to listen carefully and let the Spirit direct us.  Have you ever talked to someone and then out of no where comes words of resentment or attack?  Child of God, your spirits clashed.  It's called war -- not love!  Don't try to sugarcoat the experience.  War is war, and pride must be present -- which is a direct enemy to God.
Was Christ a friend of the Devil?  Of course He wasn't.  You've heard it said that two wrongs do not make a right but neither does a right and a wrong.  The only thing that works in the Kingdom of Light is a right and a right.  If we are right and the person or thing we are connected to is wrong, if we continue to fellowship, connect, agree or form an alliance with their thoughts, ways and communication, then pollution of our spirit is inevitable.  It just doesn't mix.  Bad mixtures are poison.  I Corinthians 15:33 confirms that it will ultimately make your character obsolete (no longer present).
My questions for Today's Excellent Woman are:   Would you drink poison?  Would you trust the plans of an enemy?
Pray this prayer with me:  Dear Lord God, we are anxious to come before you with our hands lifted saying, "I yield, I yield."  Lord, we have found ourselves compromising with darkness in subtle ways.  Your Word is clear that Light has no fellowship with Darkness.  Father, when we connect ourselves to those who do not receive Your word, we are compromising our faith and character.  Forgive us for doing that, Lord.  Father, whether it is through music, television, unholy groups, conversations, friendships or relationships, help us to understand Your purpose in that connection.  You should be the center of the equation.  Lord, you have demonstrated that a life without You as our solution is war.  Help us to live in peace by moving into equal yokes of suffering for Your Name's sake.  Have mercy, Father.  Give us the strength to not entangle ourselves in situations of darkness which will not reflect Your Righteousness.  We love You, Lord,  In Jesus' Name, amen. 

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