Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Are You A Robot?

A robot has been defined as a machine resembling a human being and able to replicate certain human movements and functions.   In this world, I am seeing more and more people operate out of routine as if they are a robot.  People are so busy being busy that they cannot see normal things any more. 

Think about the numerous children who die in cars because their caretaker/parent forgot them in the car.  What happened to that person is that their brain was so used to performing in an automatic mindset that they do not realize that a child or children are in the car or that they have not taken them inside the house or dropped them off at school.

Sometimes we drive to certain places only to look up and be absolutely amazed that we are there because we don't remember driving there.

I found myself operating in the autopilot realm when it came down to actually listening.  When I realized I was doing this, I told my husband about my problem, and he was stating to me that he noticed that I had been doing that.  He felt like I had so much on my mind, that I did not have any more room to store new information.  It was as if my brain was picking and choosing what I was going to hear. 

In a more positive side of that, he felt like sometimes when people are in strong meditation, that they tune everything else out and maintain that particular focus.  When you are too stressed, your body will automatically start shutting stuff off.  This was a huge concern of mine because I wanted to make sure that my relationship with God was not one whereby I was picking and choosing what I wanted to hear from Him.

The only way to safeguard ourselves from automatic thinking is to renew our mind daily in the Word of God.  Are you having a fresh encounter with the Lord moment by moment?  Are you seeking a daily walk with Him or are you operating on auto-pilot? 

II Corinthians 4:16 can help us.

2 Corinthians 4:16 (NET)

Therefore we do not despair, but even if our physical body is wearing away, our inner person is being renewed day by day. 

My question for Today's Excellent Woman is:  Are you robotic in your walk with God?

Prayer this prayer with me:  Father, I thank you for bringing to my attention my intimate steps with You.  There are so many things going on in my day-to-day life that I sometimes fail to slow down and pay attention to exactly what You are communicating through my daily living.  Help me to remove any robotic behavior out of my life and replace it with personal intimacy with a sober mind.  Help me to live my life as if it is raining....where I'm extra careful, and I slow down my pace to remember You.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.

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