Saturday, June 22, 2013

Not Yet, Lord

As women, the lives we live require us to wear many hats.   We often face challenges on a daily basis which requires us to draw upon our inner strength.  Sometimes our plates are so full that we do not have time to truly examine what role the Lord has called us to walk in at that specific moment. 

Some of us wear hats that read, "Wife," "Mom," "Teacher," "Bookkeeper," "Daughter," "Sister," "Friend," "Mentor," "Driver,"  "Cook" and many others, but there are many that we are required to walk in that we are NOT expecting.  There was no training course for this position.  You just had to fill it immediately!

When I reflect upon this thought, I am reminded of my current situation.  My husband suffered a stroke over two years ago.  It happened in the early morning hours.  I was up ministering to a friend online when I heard a crash in our bedroom.  I called his name, and he then responded, "I fell." 

Can you imagine what that must have been like?  I can tell you that it was extremely terrifying.  The road to recovery has been a journey, to say the least, but it has been a challenging time in our marriage.  Although my husband is the most loving man I have ever met, this required role was one that I was not ready to walk in.  It was like my mind, body and soul were saying, "Not yet, Lord."

When this first happened to me, I went through a time of anger.  I actually was mad with God for a moment.  I know that's incredible for me to say, but, truthfully, that's where I was at that time.  I felt like I had been through enough.  I actually said, "Have I not been through enough?"  I quickly repented, but those words actually came out of my mouth. 

Philippians 4:12 (AMP) challenges us to be content in whatever situations we face.  [I know how to be abased and live humbly in straitened circumstances, and I know also how to enjoy plenty and live in abundance. I have learned in any and all circumstances the secret of facing every situation, whether well-fed or going hungry, having a sufficiency and enough to spare or going without and being in want.] 

My question for Today's Excellent Woman is this, for the role that you're having to walk in at this moment, are you telling God, "Not Yet, Lord"?   Perhaps you are, but challenge yourself today to live out Philippians 4:12 and know that whatever He calls you to, He will be with You.

Pray this prayer with me:  Father, today I find myself in an awkward position.  I want to please you, but I'm not content in the role You have asked me to walk in today.  Sometimes I feel weak - even though I know You are stronger.  Sometimes fear arises -- even though You are my hiding place.  Sometimes I want to turn back, but when I do, You have said in Luke 9:62 that I'm not fit for the Kingdom of God.  Help me to turn my not yet into a not later.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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