Thursday, June 13, 2013

Unwavering Endurance

Today's Excellent Woman faces many challenges on a daily basis.  She lives three very distinct lives.  In her public life, she is seen by the entire world.  Everything she reveals to the world is totally up to her.  She can hide whatever she chooses.   In her personal life, she lives in a semi-private manner with her family and close friends.  Although she can control what is seen to some degree, her actions speak louder here because her relations are much more intimate.  The most important one of the three is her private life because it is the one she lives before God.  Every step she takes in this position is totally exposed.  Nothing is hidden.  Her private life before God is the catalyst for the other two. 

An Excellent Woman can be defined as someone eminently good.  When a woman is eminently good, that means she operates and functions in a high degree of goodness.   This also means that her character is favorable or pleasing.  My question to Today's Excellent Woman is this:  "How can unwavering endurance cause the Excellent Woman to be pleasing to God?

The Bible implores her in Galatians 6:9 not to be weary in well-doing.  She is not to be discouraged.  She is never to give up, cave in or quit.  If she does, she will not reap her harvest. 

When I did this study on Unwavering Endurance, I quickly had to repent because I know there have been many times that I was discouraged.  Moreover, there have been many more times where I have simply been exhausted.  How about you?

If you find yourself in this position, simply repent and ask the Lord to give you unwavering endurance to do His will and good pleasure.

 Pray this prayer with me:  Father, as an Excellent Woman, I face many challenges.  My life is divided into three dimensions whereby I am hidden,  partially hidden and fully exposed.  Lord, in these positions I have felt discouraged and even mentally, physically and spiritually exhausted.  You desire for me to have unwavering endurance and have promised that I would reap a mighty harvest if I just hang in there.  Give me the strength, Father, to walk in these favorable shoes and forgive me for the times I just wanted to wear slippers.  --In Jesus' name, amen.

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