Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Endure + Hardship = Suffering

This morning I had an experience that caused tears to flow down my face.  For a moment, I felt weariness starting to arise and manifest in my inner being.  Then suddenly the Spirit of the Lord said, "Don't get weary.  Remain enlightened."  That simply means that I am not to give in under the pressure of standing firm under suffering, but that I am to remain totally free of ignorance, full of comprehension of the problems involved.

You talk about a mind-blower!

James 1:4 encourages us to allow endurance (suffering) to have its perfect effect, so that you will be perfect and complete, not deficient in anything.

Allow that to rest in your heart a minute.  We are constantly asking God to fill us or to give us this or that -- whatever we are lacking, but He has promised us that if we stand firm under suffering, we will not lack anything!

My question for Today's Excellent Woman is this:  Are you willing to be incomplete or do you want to be whole?

Pray this prayer with me:  Father, we appreciate Your honesty with us.  Lord, we thank You for speaking to our specific cry.  Father, You desire for us to have full understanding of all problems we are in the midst of, and You alone know us truly.  As we go through each day, give us the mind to endure.  Give us a mind to stand firm in our suffering.  Help us to be a whole person and not just dangling parts of a body that is missing vital characteristics.  Keep us in our quiet places, even if it is in the middle of a storm.  Help us to speak as Jesus did and say, "Peace be still."  In Jesus's Name.  Amen.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Are You A Robot?

A robot has been defined as a machine resembling a human being and able to replicate certain human movements and functions.   In this world, I am seeing more and more people operate out of routine as if they are a robot.  People are so busy being busy that they cannot see normal things any more. 

Think about the numerous children who die in cars because their caretaker/parent forgot them in the car.  What happened to that person is that their brain was so used to performing in an automatic mindset that they do not realize that a child or children are in the car or that they have not taken them inside the house or dropped them off at school.

Sometimes we drive to certain places only to look up and be absolutely amazed that we are there because we don't remember driving there.

I found myself operating in the autopilot realm when it came down to actually listening.  When I realized I was doing this, I told my husband about my problem, and he was stating to me that he noticed that I had been doing that.  He felt like I had so much on my mind, that I did not have any more room to store new information.  It was as if my brain was picking and choosing what I was going to hear. 

In a more positive side of that, he felt like sometimes when people are in strong meditation, that they tune everything else out and maintain that particular focus.  When you are too stressed, your body will automatically start shutting stuff off.  This was a huge concern of mine because I wanted to make sure that my relationship with God was not one whereby I was picking and choosing what I wanted to hear from Him.

The only way to safeguard ourselves from automatic thinking is to renew our mind daily in the Word of God.  Are you having a fresh encounter with the Lord moment by moment?  Are you seeking a daily walk with Him or are you operating on auto-pilot? 

II Corinthians 4:16 can help us.

2 Corinthians 4:16 (NET)

Therefore we do not despair, but even if our physical body is wearing away, our inner person is being renewed day by day. 

My question for Today's Excellent Woman is:  Are you robotic in your walk with God?

Prayer this prayer with me:  Father, I thank you for bringing to my attention my intimate steps with You.  There are so many things going on in my day-to-day life that I sometimes fail to slow down and pay attention to exactly what You are communicating through my daily living.  Help me to remove any robotic behavior out of my life and replace it with personal intimacy with a sober mind.  Help me to live my life as if it is raining....where I'm extra careful, and I slow down my pace to remember You.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Not Yet, Lord

As women, the lives we live require us to wear many hats.   We often face challenges on a daily basis which requires us to draw upon our inner strength.  Sometimes our plates are so full that we do not have time to truly examine what role the Lord has called us to walk in at that specific moment. 

Some of us wear hats that read, "Wife," "Mom," "Teacher," "Bookkeeper," "Daughter," "Sister," "Friend," "Mentor," "Driver,"  "Cook" and many others, but there are many that we are required to walk in that we are NOT expecting.  There was no training course for this position.  You just had to fill it immediately!

When I reflect upon this thought, I am reminded of my current situation.  My husband suffered a stroke over two years ago.  It happened in the early morning hours.  I was up ministering to a friend online when I heard a crash in our bedroom.  I called his name, and he then responded, "I fell." 

Can you imagine what that must have been like?  I can tell you that it was extremely terrifying.  The road to recovery has been a journey, to say the least, but it has been a challenging time in our marriage.  Although my husband is the most loving man I have ever met, this required role was one that I was not ready to walk in.  It was like my mind, body and soul were saying, "Not yet, Lord."

When this first happened to me, I went through a time of anger.  I actually was mad with God for a moment.  I know that's incredible for me to say, but, truthfully, that's where I was at that time.  I felt like I had been through enough.  I actually said, "Have I not been through enough?"  I quickly repented, but those words actually came out of my mouth. 

Philippians 4:12 (AMP) challenges us to be content in whatever situations we face.  [I know how to be abased and live humbly in straitened circumstances, and I know also how to enjoy plenty and live in abundance. I have learned in any and all circumstances the secret of facing every situation, whether well-fed or going hungry, having a sufficiency and enough to spare or going without and being in want.] 

My question for Today's Excellent Woman is this, for the role that you're having to walk in at this moment, are you telling God, "Not Yet, Lord"?   Perhaps you are, but challenge yourself today to live out Philippians 4:12 and know that whatever He calls you to, He will be with You.

Pray this prayer with me:  Father, today I find myself in an awkward position.  I want to please you, but I'm not content in the role You have asked me to walk in today.  Sometimes I feel weak - even though I know You are stronger.  Sometimes fear arises -- even though You are my hiding place.  Sometimes I want to turn back, but when I do, You have said in Luke 9:62 that I'm not fit for the Kingdom of God.  Help me to turn my not yet into a not later.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Unwavering Endurance

Today's Excellent Woman faces many challenges on a daily basis.  She lives three very distinct lives.  In her public life, she is seen by the entire world.  Everything she reveals to the world is totally up to her.  She can hide whatever she chooses.   In her personal life, she lives in a semi-private manner with her family and close friends.  Although she can control what is seen to some degree, her actions speak louder here because her relations are much more intimate.  The most important one of the three is her private life because it is the one she lives before God.  Every step she takes in this position is totally exposed.  Nothing is hidden.  Her private life before God is the catalyst for the other two. 

An Excellent Woman can be defined as someone eminently good.  When a woman is eminently good, that means she operates and functions in a high degree of goodness.   This also means that her character is favorable or pleasing.  My question to Today's Excellent Woman is this:  "How can unwavering endurance cause the Excellent Woman to be pleasing to God?

The Bible implores her in Galatians 6:9 not to be weary in well-doing.  She is not to be discouraged.  She is never to give up, cave in or quit.  If she does, she will not reap her harvest. 

When I did this study on Unwavering Endurance, I quickly had to repent because I know there have been many times that I was discouraged.  Moreover, there have been many more times where I have simply been exhausted.  How about you?

If you find yourself in this position, simply repent and ask the Lord to give you unwavering endurance to do His will and good pleasure.

 Pray this prayer with me:  Father, as an Excellent Woman, I face many challenges.  My life is divided into three dimensions whereby I am hidden,  partially hidden and fully exposed.  Lord, in these positions I have felt discouraged and even mentally, physically and spiritually exhausted.  You desire for me to have unwavering endurance and have promised that I would reap a mighty harvest if I just hang in there.  Give me the strength, Father, to walk in these favorable shoes and forgive me for the times I just wanted to wear slippers.  --In Jesus' name, amen.